Not sure that I would call this a finished canvas but I enjoyed the journey and will return to it later to decide. My main focus was to show how to stretch your paint dollar, but as an added reward I found myself quieting my inner critic!
See the video and details on the ColourArte link at the end of this post.
Above: Real Feathers on Canvas Background
Below: Canvas after Feathers were Misted with Radiant Gels and Removed.
If you watched my video about Fancy Paper Feathers on Youtube, you know that I misted real feathers with Radiant Gels on top of a canvas. I rarely rinse a brush without brushing it across a canvas or paper to rid it of most of the paint. It just makes sense! I don't waste the paint. I simultaneously create new backgrounds that I plan to use at a later date, and that is the case with this canvas that was created when I misted those feathers. I also save the paper towels where I clean brushes or lift paint. They make awesome additions for collage work.
See how I created this canvas at on a project that I titled Stretch Paint!; Minimize Inner Critic
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